格尔夫波特能源 Corporation Provides Operational Update

俄克拉荷马城, 6月4日, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Gulfport能源公司(纳斯达克股票代码:GPOR)(“Gulfport”)今天提供了一份运营更新.

尤蒂卡页岩 Processing and Gathering Definitive Agreements

Gulfport today announced the completion of definitive agreements with MarkWest 尤蒂卡 EMG L.L.C. (纽约证券交易所代码:MWE)(“MarkWest”)为Gulfport在俄亥俄州东部尤蒂卡页岩地区的开发建设和运营天然气收集管道和处理设施. MarkWest目前计划在其Harrison天然气加工厂处理天然气,并将在其Harrison县分馏厂提供天然气液体(“NGL”)分馏和营销服务, where NGLs will be im体育平台官方网站ed by truck, 铁路, 和管道.

MarkWest将在2012年第三季度启动一个每日40万mcf的临时制冷气体处理厂.  在这个临时设施之后,将有一个125 MMCF的永久性低温气体处理设施,预计将于2013年第一季度开始运营. MarkWest anticipates installing an additional 200 MMCF per day of cryogenic capacity in early 2014.  预计MarkWest将拥有约60英里的管道基础设施,其中约有9个,000 horsepower of compression to move Gulfport volumes by the end of 2012.  By 2014, MarkWest的尤蒂卡建设将包括长达140英里的高压和低压收集线和20个,000 horsepower of compression. 到2014年初, MarkWest的下游设施将包括位于哈里森县和100个州的每天高达325亿立方英尺的低温气体处理能力,000 barrels per day of C2+ fractionation.

除了 to its Harrison processing complex, MarkWest is developing a second processing complex in Noble County. MarkWest将首先启动一个临时的、日产45万立方英尺的制冷天然气处理厂, with an expected fourth quarter 2012 completion date. The Noble interim facility will be followed by an additional 200 MMCFPD cryogenic processing plant, which is expected to be completed in mid-2013. 哈里森和诺布尔处理综合体将通过NGL收集系统连接到哈里森分馏综合体, 其中包括100人,000 barrels per day of C2+ fractionation capacity by the first quarter of 2014. 哈里森分馏综合设施将通过MarkWest的Marcellus NGL收集系统的扩建与休斯顿分馏综合设施相连. The Houston and Harrison facilities will be the largest fractionation complexes in the northeast, and will provide tremendous operating flexibility, 和可靠性, as well as im体育平台官方网站 access.


In the 尤蒂卡页岩, Gulfport has reached total depth on its first three horizontal wells in the play. 瓦格纳1-28H, Gulfport的第一口水平井在Point Pleasant井段的平均垂直厚度为123英尺, 已经成功完成了28级水力压裂处理,目前正在进行60天的休息期,然后进行测试和流动. 童子军1-33H, which is currently undergoing hydraulic fracture treatment, was drilled to a true vertical depth of 7,704英尺,7英尺,在Point Pleasant段内,水平侧向厚度为974英尺,平均垂直厚度为126英尺. 生长1-12H, which is currently waiting on completion, was drilled to a true vertical depth of 7,327英尺,5英尺,在Point Pleasant段内,水平侧向厚度为414英尺,平均垂直厚度为119英尺. 到目前为止, Gulfport的Boy Scout 1-33H和Wagner 1-28H井体育平台是俄亥俄州所有井中最长的分支井和最长的总测量深度. 目前, Gulfport在尤蒂卡页岩有两个活跃的钻井平台,正在进行2012年的第4口和第5口水平井的钻探. 


Drilling activity at Gulfport's 朴树 fields continue to yield significant results. Since embarking upon its initial exploration program at the fields in 2006, Gulfport has drilled a total of approximately 5,500 feet of apparent net pay and produced approximately 2.18 million barrels of oil equivalent ("BOE") on just 2,海拔5000英尺,500 feet of apparent net pay. / 3,通过现有的生产射孔或通过相对廉价的再完井程序达到的微孔段,仍可开采500英尺的净视产层. 

May 2012 Production Update

During the month of May, Gulfport produced oil and natural gas volumes of 216,609年央行, or 7,482 barrels of oil equivalent per day ("BOEPD") comprised of 93% oil, 5%天然气, 和2% NGL. Net daily production by region was 3,679 BOEPD at 西海岸布兰奇湾 ("WCBB"), 2,哈克贝里607号BOEPD, 1,090 BOEPD in the 二叠纪 Basin and an aggregate of 106 BOEPD in the Bakken, Niobrara and other areas. 

Reaffirmed 2012 Guidance

Gulfport重申了公司2012年的指导方针,并继续估计2012年的产量在2个范围内.900万至300万.100万桶油当量. As previously announced, second quarter 2012 production is currently estimated to be in the range of 627,900 to 646,100年央行. 2012 budgeted exploration and production capital expenditures, 包括兼并, are estimated to be in the range of $206 million to $221 million. For 2012, Gulfport projects lease operating expense to be in the range of $8.00 to $9.50 per BOE, general and administrative expense to be between $3.50 to $4.25 per BOE, production taxes to be between 10.0% to 10.5% of revenues and depreciation, depletion and amortization expense to be in the range of $32.00 to $34.00 / BOE. 这些估计并不影响我们最近宣布的将我们的二叠纪资产贡献给Diamondback Energy以换取股权和现金的计划.

油当量(BOE) 2,900,000 - 3,100,000
Average Daily 油当量(BOE)PD 7,923 - 8,470
Projected Year-Over-Year Production Increase1 24% - 33%
Projected Cash Operating Costs per BOE  
Lease Operating Expense -- $/BOE $8.00 - $9.50
Production Taxes -- % of Revenue 10.0% - 10.5%
General and Administrative -- $/BOE $3.50 - $4.25
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization per BOE $32.00 - $34.00
Budgeted Capital Expenditures - In Millions:2  
西海岸布兰奇湾 $42 - $45
朴树 $24 - $26
二叠纪 $23 - $25
Niobrara  $5 - $6
灰熊 $40 - $43
尤蒂卡 $72 - $76
Total Budgeted Capital Expenditures $206 - $221
1 Based upon 2011 actual production of 2.33 million BOE and the 2012 forecasted production 
2 Excludes amounts for infrastructure, vertical integration projects and acquisitions


格尔夫波特能源 Corporation体育平台是一家位于俄克拉荷马城的独立石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,其主要生产资产位于路易斯安那州墨西哥湾沿岸和德克萨斯州西部的二叠纪盆地. Gulfport还收购了科罗拉多州西部的Niobrara地层和俄亥俄州东部的尤蒂卡页岩. 除了, Gulfport通过对灰熊 Oil Sands ULC的投资,在加拿大Alberta油砂区拥有相当大的面积,并在东南亚的实体中拥有权益, including the Phu Horm gas field in Thailand.

Forward Looking Statements

本新闻稿包括1933年证券法第27A条所指的“前瞻性陈述”, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). 所有的报表, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that Gulfport or 灰熊 expect or anticipate will or may occur in the future, including such things as future capital expenditures (including the amount and nature thereof), business strategy and measures to implement strategy, 竞争优势, 目标, expansion and growth of Gulfport's or 灰熊's business and operations, 计划, im体育平台官方网站状况, references to future success, reference to intentions as to future matters and other such matters are forward-looking statements. 这些陈述体育平台是基于格尔夫波特和灰熊根据他们的经验和对历史趋势的看法所做的某些假设和分析, 目前的情况和预期的未来发展,以及他们认为在这种情况下适当的其他因素. 然而, 实际结果和发展体育平台是否符合格尔夫波特和灰熊公司的预期和预测受到许多风险和不确定性的影响, 总体经济, im体育平台官方网站, credit or business conditions; the opportunities (or lack thereof) that may be presented to and pursued by Gulfport or 灰熊; competitive actions by other oil and gas companies; changes in laws or regulations; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Gulfport or 灰熊. 有关这些和其他因素的信息可以在公司提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件中找到, including its Forms 10-K, 10-Q和8-K. 因此, 本新闻稿中的所有前瞻性陈述均受这些警示性陈述的约束,不能保证Gulfport和灰熊预期的实际结果或发展将实现, 或者即使实现了, that they will have the expected consequences to or effects on Gulfport, its business or operations. Gulfport has no intention, and disclaims any obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future results or otherwise.

联系人:投资者 & 媒体联络:
         保罗·K. Heerwagen四世
         Director, Investor Relations


Source: 格尔夫波特能源 Corporation