Washington, D.C. 20549


1.  Name of the Registrant
Gulfport Energy Corp.
2.  Name of person relying on exemption
CalSTRS Investments

3.  Address of person relying on exemption
100 Waterfront Place, 14th Floor
West Sacramento, CA 95605-2807
4.  Written Materials. 附上根据第14a-6(g)(1)条规定提交的书面材料.


To: Shareholders of Gulfport Energy
Contact: Brian Rice, Portfolio Manager, Corporate Governance, 加州教师退休制度(CalSTRS): BRice@calstrs.com
Travis Antoniono, Investment Officer, Corporate Governance, 加州教师退休制度(CalSTRS): TAntoniono@calstrs.com
Date: April 25, 2016
Re: 股东决议要求披露公司如何测量和管理其运营中的甲烷排放
CalSTRS recommends a vote FOR the following resolution:

股东要求董事会发布一份报告,描述公司如何监测和管理其运营中的甲烷排放水平. 所要求的报告应包括全公司范围内对政策的审查, practices, 以及与体育平台甲烷排放风险管理战略相关的指标. The report should be prepared at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information, and made available to shareholders by December 31, 2016.


1. Methane is a greenhouse gas of major concern and relevance.
2. Methane emissions pose a variety of material risks.
a. Direct environmental risks;
b. Regulatory risks;
c. Risks to the social license to operate;
d. Reputational risks; and
e. Governance risks.
3. 披露如何监测和管理甲烷排放代表着潜在的未开发机会.
a. 建立公众对信息披露(如甲烷排放报告)的信任和信心;
b. Opportunity to uncover additional internal opportunities; and
c. Opportunity to benefit the industry.
4. Methane emissions are a loss of saleable product.
5. There are low cost methane management solutions available.
6. Gulfport Energy's peers are reporting on methane, yet Gulfport reports nothing: not the extent of their emissions, nor any measurement systems, and likewise not any oversight or management systems.




1. Methane is a greenhouse gas of major relevance and concern.

a) Methane is a potent, 短寿命温室气体(GHG),其全球变暖潜能值体育平台是CO的84-86倍2 在20年的时间范围内,在100年的时间范围内体育平台是28-34倍.1
b) 它体育平台是美国人类活动排放的第二大温室气体.2
c) In the U.S.在美国,天然气和石油系统占全国甲烷排放量的近三分之一.3
d) 据估计,天然气(甲烷)发电的全生命周期温室气体排放量比燃煤发电的排放量少20%至53%,4 provided that leakage in the natural gas system is less than 3.2% from well through delivery at a power plant.5
e) 我们今天所经历的人为全球变暖中,约有25%体育平台是由甲烷排放造成的.6

2. Methane emissions pose a variety of material risks.

a) Direct environmental risks. 甲烷的排放(包括无意释放和泄漏或故意排放)根据定义体育平台是一种有害物质的排放,会降低空气质量,体育平台是气候变化的一个有力因素. 火灾和爆炸也体育平台是一个重大风险:石油和天然气行业因火灾和爆炸造成的死亡人数远远超过其他任何私营行业,7 and news reports of such incidents are easy to find.8 9 10
b) Regulatory risks. The U.S. 美国环保署正在审查和发布一套专门针对石油和天然气行业甲烷排放的法规.11 12 这些都体育平台是对现有发电厂的清洁能源计划的补充,13 最近,美国和加拿大联合承诺在未来十年内将石油和天然气行业的甲烷排放量减少至少40%,14 and the COP21 Paris Agreement. Taken together, 我们认为,很明显,甲烷排放越来越受到密切关注,并将受到严格的监管要求, in addition to current regulations.
c) Risks to the social license to operate. 社会经营许可证体育平台是指利益相关者和当地社区对公司或行业从事或继续经营的接受和批准程度. 重要的体育平台是,该行业要保持其社会经营许可证, 特别体育平台是通过确保天然气在整个生命周期内的温室气体排放量低于煤炭的温室气体排放量. If these natural gas emissions increase above 3.2% of produced gas, they would exceed coal emissions (in terms of climate impact), 作为气候变化解决方案和通往未来的桥梁燃料,天然气行业将面临失去本已脆弱的公众支持的风险. 这使得该行业证明排放率低于3%变得至关重要.包括Gulfport Energy在内的所有参与者都需要提供相关体育平台.

1 http://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/
2 http://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/gases/ch4.html
3 http://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/gases/ch4.html
4 http://graham.umich.edu/media/files/HF-IA-Final-Report.pdf
5 http://www.pnas.org/content/109/17/6435.full
6 http://www.edf.org/methane-other-important-greenhouse-gas
7 http://www.wyofile.com/drilling-industrys-explosion-problem/
8 http://www.wvgazettemail.com/News/201307070002
9 http://www.newsweek.com/chevron给附近居民- -水力压裂爆炸-免费-比萨- 229491
10 http://www.greeleytribune.com/news/20895698-113/greeley-fire-department-learns-several-lessons-in-its #
11 http://www.eenews.net/stories/1060030955
12 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/19/us/epa-announces-new-rules-to-cut-methane-emissions.html
13 http://www.epa.gov/cleanpowerplan/clean-power-plan-existing-power-plants
14 http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2016-03-10/obama-trudeau-target-methane-emissions-in-new-agreement


d) Reputational risks. In addition to the various other risks described here, 排放甲烷的作业可能会带来巨大的声誉风险. A prime example comes from SoCalGas, 森普拉能源公司的子公司对最近加州前所未有的甲烷泄漏负有责任. 除此之外(或者部分原因体育平台是),他们迄今已经支付了近5000万美元的住宅搬迁补偿15 and the lingering questions around health impacts,16 and in addition to the numerous investigations from the DOGGR, LA County Department of Public Health, SCAQMD, CARB, CPUC, EPA, LA District Attorney's Office, and the California Attorney General's Office, 除了针对SoCalGas的83起诉讼之外(截至2月)17 the company is now exposed to substantial risks to its reputation. Timothy O'Connor, 加州环境保护基金石油和天然气项目主任, notes that as a result of the leak, 该公司面临着一场修复其环保声誉的艰苦战斗, commenting, "…it is going to be a stain. It will be hard to come back."18
e) Governance risks. 许多公司只提供法律要求的与甲烷排放有关的最低限度的监督(例如, related to worker safety). When this occurs, 这里描述的许多其他风险可能仍未得到解决和缓解, which could ultimately lead to loss of shareholder value. 由于Gulfport Energy目前没有披露任何监督机制或结构(正如该提案所要求的那样), 我们不可能知道体育平台股东可能面临的这类治理风险有多大.

3. 披露如何监测和管理甲烷排放代表着潜在的未开发机会.

a) 建立公众对甲烷排放报告等信息披露的信任和信心的机会. 2013年的一项调查发现,公众对一家公司的信心更重要的驱动因素之一体育平台是其对可持续发展的承诺, and its efforts to communicate about and deliver on that commitment. It found that 84% of U.S. 受访者认为,对企业可持续发展努力的更多了解将增加对公司的信任.19
b) Opportunity to uncover additional internal opportunities. 审查甲烷监测和管理工作的过程本身就可以发现创造或保护股东价值的内部机会. When such a review is undertaken, 公司可能会发现产生不必要风险的意外活动或结果, 或者相反,他们可能找不到他们认为正在发生的活动. 这种审查过程本身可以对内部运营产生有价值的见解,最终可以创造或保护股东价值.

15 http://www.bizjournals.com/losangeles/news/2016/03/28/socalgas - - - 4800万用于搬迁.html
16 http://abc7.com/news/health-issues-linger-after-capping-of-porter-ranch-gas-leak/1263825/
17 http://investor.shareholder.com/sre/secfiling.cfm?filingID=86521-16-91&CIK=92108
18 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-11/after-ceo-nabs-record-bonus-sempra-s-gas-leak-raises-questions
19 http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20130409006035/en/Companies-Build-Public-Trust-Sustainability-Reporting-Research


c) Opportunity to benefit the industry. 除了本决议所要求的信息披露可以直接给公司带来的利益之外, 这也有可能给整个行业带来连锁效应. 全球能源行业正在经历一场不可否认的变革, 随着各种替代技术和燃料争夺更大的im体育平台官方网站份额,以及能源im体育平台官方网站的需求侧和供应侧的许多其他变化. In this context, 许多人认为,天然气(甲烷)具有作为“过渡燃料”的巨大潜力,“或者体育平台是一种弥合当今碳密集型能源结构与未来低碳能源结构之间差距的燃料. 加强对甲烷测量和管理的披露有助于更广泛地认识甲烷的潜力,并在重要利益攸关方的眼中证实甲烷体育平台是煤炭等其他化石燃料的更好替代品.

4. Methane emissions are a loss of saleable product.

a) 有意或无意地排放到大气中的天然气代表着潜在可销售产品的直接损失.
b) 最近的两项研究(使用大气的直接测量)估计大约有2,美国每年从天然气生产过程中排放421千兆克的甲烷.20 21 At the average 2015 Henry Hub spot price of $2.62 per MMBtu,22 这意味着每年可销售产品的损失超过3.3亿美元.23

5. There are low cost methane management solutions available.

a) This loss of potential product might 如果捕获天然气的成本过高,至少要部分合理(严格从经济学角度), but it is not. ICF International的一份报告指出,采用现有的排放控制技术和操作实践,每千立方英尺生产天然气的平均年成本低于1美分,就可以大幅减少排放.24 At that cost, 在上述3.3亿美元的浪费产品中,大部分可以以不到1美元的成本部分节省下来.3 million.25 显然,潜在的成本节约大大超过了潜在的成本.
b) Relative to all natural gas production from U.S. oil and gas, 同一项研究发现,以同样的成本(每千立方英尺生产天然气的平均年成本不到1美分),甲烷排放量可以比2018年的预计水平减少40%。. This would require a capital investment of $2.2 billion, which data from the Oil & Gas Journal shows to be less than 1% of annual industry capital expenditure.26


20 http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.5b02275
21 http://www.pnas.org/content/110/44/17768.full
22 http://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/hist/rngwhhdA.htm
23 2421 Gg * (1000000 Gg/kg) = 2421000000 kg * 55.5 MJ/kg = 134365500000 MJ / 1055.56 MMBtu/MJ = 127293095.61 MMBtu * $2.62/MMBtu = $333,507,910.49
24 http://www.edf.org/energy/icf-methane-cost-curve-report
25 134365500000MJ = 1.255242*1011 ft3 * ($0.01/1000ft3) = $1,255,242
26 http://www.edf.org/energy/icf-methane-cost-curve-report



6. Gulfport Energy's peers are reporting on methane, yet Gulfport reports nothing: not the extent of their emissions, nor any measurement systems, and likewise not any oversight or management systems.

a) 体育平台没有自愿公开披露他们的甲烷排放情况,无论体育平台是测量还体育平台是管理.
b) By comparison, within the oil and gas industry…27
a. 49%的公司报告了他们的泄漏检测和修复(LDAR)计划, including: Anadarko, Apache, BHP Billiton, BP, Buckeye Partners, Cabot Oil & Gas, Chesapeake Energy, Conoco Phillips, Consol Energy, Dominion Midstream Partners, Enbridge, Encana, Enlink Midstream Partners, EDG Resources, Exxon Mobil, Linn Energy, Magellan Midstream Partners, Marathon Oil, NiSource, Noble Energy, Inc., Occidental, ONEOK, Plains All American Pipeline, Range Resources, Royal Dutch Shell plc, Seneca Resources (National Fuel), Southwestern Energy Co, SpectraEnergy, The Williams Companies, Total S.A., TransCanada, and Ultra Petroleum.
b. 28% of companies report methane emissions…
i. …作为一个比率(作为甲烷生产总量的百分比和/或作为能源生产的百分比):阿纳达科, Apache, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Consol Energy, Encana, EOG Resources, EQT Resources, Exxon Mobil, Hess Corp., Marathon Oil, and Range Resources.
ii. …as a standalone figure: Apache, BHP Billiton, BP, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Consol Energy, Devon Energy, Enbridge, Freeport-McMoRan Inc., Hess Corp., Marathon Oil, NiSource, Noble Energy, Inc.美国石油公司、西方石油公司、Range Resources公司、荷兰皇家壳牌公司、Spectra Energy公司和道达尔公司.A.
c. 8% of companies report their methane emissions policy position, including: Anadarko, Devon Energy, EOG Resources, NiSource, and Noble Energy, Inc.

围绕天然气和甲烷的监管和im体育平台官方网站环境正在迅速变化, and with them, 投资者可能面临的风险范围也在扩大. In order to: avoid falling further behind its peers; ensure shareholders have access to information on material risks that could impact their investments and decision-making; and protect shareholder value through promoting proper risk management, CalSTRS recommends a vote FOR this resolution.

This is NOT a solicitation of authority to vote your proxy. 请不要将您的委托书寄给我们,而体育平台是将委托书装入本公司已经或将会提供给您的信封中,寄给代理投票代理人. CalSTRS无法对您的代理进行投票,此通信不考虑此类事件. 本通信旨在告知您CalSTRS的意见,并在您审查Gulfport Energy 2016年年度股东大会的股东代理时为您提供有价值的决策信息.

27 http://www.edf.org/sites/default/files/content/rising_risk_full_report.pdf